The objectives of the programme are:-
• To give recognition to candidates who have undertaken studies in the forced migration.
• To encourage students and practitioners to enhance their skills and knowledge in this field;
• To establish and foster symbiotic relationship between theory and practice in forced migration and practical experience in these areas.
• To produce graduates who can serve both the Kenyan and international communities and organizations in vital area of public and humanitarian policy.
Admission requirements
To qualify for admission into the Post-graduate Diploma programme, applicants shall be holders of a Bachelor of Arts degree Second Class Honours, Lower Division from Moi University or those institutions recognised by Moi university senate
Programme Duration
The programme shall be offered by Course work, Examination and Research Project and will be undertaken in one calendar year distributed into three semesters. The third semester is for finalizing the Research Project
Course Structure
Students in this programme shall take all required courses and all core courses prescribed in every semester. Electives can be chosen from any programme in our school or option courses are chosen from any programme in other schools in the university. Elective courses must be chosen in consultation with the Postgraduate Programme coordinator.
For a student to graduate they must have a minimum of 40 units of course work, examination and project distributed over two consecutive semesters for full time students.
Semester 1
Code Title Units
FMP 710 Research Methodology 3
FMP 711 Research Seminar 1 2
FMP 712 Introduction to the study of Forced Migration 3
FMP 713 International Refugee Law and Policy 3
FMP 714 Humanitarian Assistance and Project Management 3
FMP 715 Refugees and Humanitarian Emergencies 3
*Take any one of the Electives
FMP 716 Theories of international Relations 3
FMP 717 Cooperation and Conflict in International Relations 3
Sub-Total Units 20
Semester 2
Code Title Units
FMP 720 Conflict Resolution 3
FMP 721 Domestic Application of Human Rights Law to Refugee 3
FMP 722 Refugee Livelihood and Economy 3
FMP 723 Research Project 6
Take any one of the electives
FMP 724 Human Rights and Humanitarian Crises 3
FMP 725 International Migration 3
Sub-Total Units 20