Masters of Arts (Counseling Psychology)

Masters of Arts (Counseling Psychology)


The main purpose of the Master of Science course in Counselling Psychology is to produce Counsellors with functional knowledge and skills and who are adequately prepared to deal with the challenges that will arise in their line of duty as well as academics and Counsellors who are able to function at policy level. The course will attract students from other professions among them: These will include; Police officers, Psychologists, Doctors, Counsellors , Psychiatrists, Social workers, Nurses and the Clergy offering counselling in various settings and to clients with a variety of problems in areas such as: academic performance, drug abuse, gender violence, career selection, deviance, HIV/AIDS, divorce and separation among others. The course will seek to adequately prepare the candidates to be able to offer relevant psychological support to those that need them, creating awareness of the need for the service and enhancing collaboration with all stake holders within their domains of operation.

The need for adequately prepared personnel at the post graduate level to provide counselling services in society
cannot be over-emphasized.  This is because the contemporary society is awash with deviant behaviours such as alcoholism,
drug abuse, rape, arson, truancy, homosexuality, delinquency and premarital sex.  Modernization and urbanization have
separated many clients from their traditional support system, the traditional support system.  The traditional support system,
can no longer effectively deal with these deviant behaviours.

Counselling is one of the psychological methods which can be to handle such problems.  There is an urgent need to
train counsellors to assist clients with complex social and psychological problems.  Student counsellors will be provided
with an opportunity for practical experience with a variety of cases or problems through micro-counselling sessions and the
counselling practicum.

The aim of this course is to produce functional counselors who have both theoretical and practical skills in counseling.
These skills will enable them to counsel clients and guide them to cope with personal and social demands in their lives.
The course also purposes to prepare the graduates for research on topical issues in counseling psychology.

The programme is designed to produce counselors who are thoroughly grounded in the theory and practice of counseling.
The specific objectives of the programme will be to train counselors who will:
1. To prepare the candidates to acquire and demonstrate ability to apply their knowledge and skills of counseling
theories in client management.
2. Develop and apply effective communication skills and inter-personal relationships
3. Provide counseling services in different kinds of institutions
4. Participate in the training of counselors in institutions of learning
5. Make use of consul tation and referral  skills in counseling
6. Make counseling policies in governmental and nongovernmental organizations
7. Use various skills and techniques to conduct research on topics in counseling.
8. Explain the philosophical dimensions of counseling, the rationale and role of ethics in counseling and be able to work within an approved code of conduct, including,the Kenya Counseling Association, (KCA); International Counselor Association, (ICA); International Guidance and Counselors Association, (IGCA), British Association for Counselors, (BAC); American Psychological
Association (APA); since some may want to practice abroad.

Admission requirements
The admission requirements for this programme shall be:
An upper second class Hons degree in counseling psychology, psychology, guidance and counseling or any other relevant degree
Those with lower second class Hons will in addition be required to have two years’ experience in a relevant field or the lower second class Hons degree plus a post graduate diploma in counseling or psychology.

Course Duration
The duration of the course shall be two years or a total of four semesters.

Programme Structure
The Master of Science (Counseling Psychology) programme shall be by course work, examination, practicum and thesis.
The candidates registered for this programme shall be required to take ALL the degree required courses, two specialization
courses per semester plus a minimum of ONE elective every semester in a different area of specialization.

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