Masters of Arts (International Relations)

Masters of Arts (International Relations)


The programme seeks to offer specialized training for graduates  in the areas of International Relations. The programe aims  to provide graduates with theoretical, analytical and research  skills to enable them contribute meaningfully to the study  and practice in International Relations. The programme also  seeks to foster a symbiotic relationship between the theories  and practice of International Relations by offering higher  training for those already working. Graduates from this course  have the opportunity to follow different but fulfilling career  trajectories. They can be Diplomats, managers of public and  private institutions as well as international organizations and  corporations, researchers and analysts in Foreign policy and  International Relations. The course also offers opportunity for  graduates to be trainers, educators and scholars specializing in  International Relations.
Objectives of the Programme
  1.  To train all round learners capable of handling all administrative work in both public and private sector
  2.  To expose students to workings of various state and inter-state organizations in the world
  3.  To equip students with skills to undertake social science research.
Admission Requirements
School of Arts and Social Sciences Candidates must comply with the minimum requirements for admission into an MA programmeas stipulated by MoiUniversity.

1. In particular applicants must possess at least Second Class Honours  (Lower Division) with an emphasis on the following fields:

  • Political Science
  • International Relations
  • Public Administration    
  • Public Policy
  • Force Migration
or related discipline
And should have experience in the relevant field for a minimum of two years.
Programme Structure

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